Rain Forrest 13
Humpty Dumpty

Resin and paint


I have this piece hanging in my apartment and people tend to think why is their a board with nails hanging out of it?  Does Mark suck at building things or maybe it is a bad art piece?  When I tell them that it isn't a board or nails that it is made out of resin and paint well then they get pretty amazed.

Rain Forrest 13
Rain Forrest 13

My art handling friend told me this story about how he hung a piece of cardboard on the wall just to show where a "real" art piece was going.  A collector came by did a double take and said now this is the best piece I have seen here.  It was at the Armory.  My friend couldn't stop laughing but I saw my next piece.  

What is a realistic painting is this a realistic painting if it is made out of paint?


Humpty Dumpty
Humpty Dumpty

Jeff Koons floating basketballs were my obvious inspiration, but they were real basketballs I figured I could make a basketball out of paint and resin.  So I did.

The basketball looked cool but something was missing and then it fell off the bookshelf and broke.  Like Duchamp's broken glass the piece got better.  A basketball cannot keep it's form with a hole in it.


Resin cast

Paintings live in bubble wrap before and after they are displayed on a wall.  I figured get rid of the painting and hang the bubble wrap.

Size varies




As an art handler I found there are more nails in the gallery than artwork.  Why can't the nail be the artwork.  But not a readymade nail but a realistic interpretation of a nail cast in resin.  

I was at an art opening of Jonathan Laskers and I saw a nail in the wall about 5ft above his painting.  I can't believe the art handler forgot to remove it and patch up the hole.  It bugged me and it was art.